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Clutch rod slipping

Posted: 26 Apr 2022, 03:06
by Fishrider
What would cause a clutch rod to slip off the clutch pin on a 750? You can see the result in this thread here: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=281&start=50#p4786

After installing a new clutch pin and rod, under test the rod slips. When it does it damages the rod causing small scraps or grooves where the pin slips on the rod. This is a modified transmission with a six speed from a 550. Since the output shaft of the 550 was about 6mm shorter than the 750, I had 6mm machined into the back of the clutch basket so I could screw on the shaft bolt. The clutch pin would then fall into the basket while inserting the clutch rod. To counter this I created a 6mm busing on the back side of the clutch pin. This seems to work, but now I have this slipping problem that I can’t solve and neither could the mechanic who rebuilt the engine. There seems to be no reason for this. Tension is good, but the rod slips anyway. I’m afraid I am going to destroy another rod testing the pin. This system has never worked to date. Engine runs but I have not been able to test gears or clutch properly. I’ll post some pics in a couple days. Right now I am unable to since I am out of town. TIA.

Re: Clutch rod slipping

Posted: 28 Apr 2022, 19:06
by Fishrider
Here are pics of the modification to the clutch pin, and the damage being caused by the rod slipping off the pin. I really want to get this issue solved. It is the last major thing that I need to solve to get this bike on the road. Any help is appreciated.